4 Common Mistakes When Using Zinc For Acne

Have you tried zinc for your acne or hormonal breakouts & didn’t notice a difference? These are the 4 mistakes I see clients make within clinical practice:

Best types of zinc for acne and hormonal breakouts melbourne naturopath .png
Correct dosage?

👉🏼therapeutic dosage for acne is 50mg

Correct form of zinc?

👉🏼look out for:

Correct timing?

👉🏼Zinc needs to be taken with a high protein meal and away from other supplements that compete for absorption such as: Iron, Calcium & Phytates. 

Poor absorption?  

👉🏼Was it mixed with an ionophore? Green tea or quercetin help pull zinc into the cell to be utilised!

Practitioner only supplements 

Here are my go-to practitioner only zinc supplements, these require a script as they are such high dose. Let's jump on a Naturopathic zoom consult and discuss what zinc supplement is suitable for your skin journey :) 
naturopathic zinc supplements for acne and hormonal breakouts melbourne naturopath
-Emily x
Skin Naturopath & Corneotherapist 

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